Designed to help tenants, owners and managers of rental properties keep drugs and other illegal activities off their properties, the program utilizes a three-part approach to insure crime prevention is maintained in an efficient and cordial manner.
The property completed the three-phase course to obtain certification and to post the program’s signage and logo at the property as well as in advertising. Officers helped the property meet security requirements, urging residents and management to take a proactive stance in crime prevention. Silver State Housing provided refreshments, with a question and answer session to round out the day.
During the Summer, food deliveries continued to all properties, as well as all-important health screenings. Silver Star Bus was scheduled for weekly errand trips. Also, monthly resident meetings were scheduled, where residents come together as a community to voice their concerns, make suggestions, engage with management.
At Santa Barbara Palms, the calendar has included computer classes twice weekly, a craft class every Thursday, and birthday bingo. A resident-sponsored, Hawaiian-themed Pot Luck, and a popsicle social (above). Also, a twice-weekly shuttle to The Eastside Cannery Hotel and Casino continues, for dining, entertainment and sports watching.
At McKnight Senior Village, Food For Soul, a faith-based class, has been offered each week, as well as a quilting class that has received good attendance.
Residents helped plan a special 5-0 birthday party for manager Angel Rivera (shown above with Silver State Housing executive director Lori Muehlhausen), complete with fancy dress and décor. A great time was had by all!

On a monthly basis, Clark County Library’s mobile van visits the property, issuing issues library cards, and assists residents to check out books, cd’s and videos, a helpful opportunity for those who have difficulty getting around.
Sonoma Palms also continues its faith group class, meeting on Tuesdays, bid-whiz is scheduled twice weekly, bingo every Saturday mid-morning. The Eastside Cannery and Arizona Charlie’s buses come every Sunday for social outings.
Residents at Sunrise Senior Village are still enjoying Movie/Popcorn Day, Bingo and Pokeno. They celebrated September birthdays mid-month, and hearing and balance testing was offered.

Also, Lori Muehlhausen recently attended the grand opening of the new Three Square Center, home to Las Vegas’ primary food bank and SNAP program (supplemental nutrition assistance program). Seniors who volunteer time at our properties were also invited to attend. “Their participation and input is critical for important senior issues,” remarks Lori.