Through our non-profit organization, Silver State Housing, our properties offer opportunities for seniors to volunteer their time while gaining experience for potential employment in the general workplace, to brush up on their office skills in a friendly and helpful environment. AARP has been a helpful source for these seniors who want to work.
Now and again, volunteers seem to fit the bill for employment at our properties when openings occur. Such is the case with Greg Pike and Clarissa Milton who joined the staff at McKnight Senior Village. Greg works as a porter, dividing his time between McKnight and our Santa Barbara Palms. Clarissa trained for and is now employed as McKnight’s receptionist.
More recently, Joan Black did volunteer training at our Sonoma Palms, where she now holds its receptionist position. Lori Muehlhausen, Silver State Housing’s executive director states, “it’s great helping put people back to work, to see them actively engaged. It puts a smile on all our faces!”